What to do if:


I’ve got the following error executing ‘git clone’ command on my Mac High Sierra machine?

xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun

Execute the following command: xcode-select --install

I accidentally deleted a file and pushed the changes to Git server?

1. Find all commits that deleted the file

git log --diff-filter=D –summary


olympus:comp2217-f2014-aroudik aroudik$ git log --diff-filter=D --summary
commit 952be58e8b5bd228167199e98d5365aa8a44e310
Author: Andrei Roudik <aroudik@cs.du.edu>
Date:   Wed Nov 12 16:05:37 2014 -0700

removing new file

delete mode 100644 TEST/newfile

2. To restore your deleted file use

git checkout [commmit ID]^ -- <file_path>


git checkout 952be58e8b5bd228167199e98d5365aa8a44e310^ -- TEST

3. Add your restored file to the repository, commit and push

git add *

git commit -m "file restored"

git push

4. Verify your last commit

olympus:comp2217-f2014-aroudik aroudik$ git log -1 --stat
commit d8467bb3b11eefe23138496fec0894c4beb249a4
Author: Andrei Roudik <aroudik@cs.du.edu>
Date:   Thu Nov 13 10:40:14 2014 -0700

file restored

TEST/newfile | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

I’ve got a message “Access denied” after ‘git push -u origin master’ execution?

This message usually indicates that your SSH public key is not accepted for some reason.

The easiest way to fix is to regenerate a new SSH key as it explained at step 3 in step by step setup instructions here.